Star Words

Dearly Beloved,

What a gift to join together this last Sunday and receive our Star Words -- I have heard from a number of you who need star words, and I hope to get those to you in the next two weeks. I will be on vacation beginning tomorrow, so I may not get to it before then, but I will upon my return. 

In our Lectio conversation yesterday morning, one person mentioned how when they first experienced these star words, it felt gimmicky -- something showy to attract attention, but ultimately empty. They shared how they have been surprised by the power of a simple word to invite them to pay attention differently to God, to the gentle nudging or encouragement of the Holy Spirit, to different ways of being in the world. 

I have found this to be true as well -- a simple word has invited me to think about the tasks before me a little bit differently, to engage with a task or growing edge a little differently, to shift my focus or perspective. I will confess that at least one year, I have simply tucked my word away and more or less forgotten about it (my word that year was "art"). But more often than not, the word has been perfect for what the year has brought.

"Balance" was the word for my first full year of solo pastoring and doing ministry with this congregation.

"Listening" was the word I received in 2020, the year the pandemic hit and our congregation began our discernment around Open and Affirming.

"Art" was 2021, and that one -- I confess -- got lost in the shuffle.

2022 was "Community" -- and it was a year when I really began to cultivate deeper friendships here in Loveland as well as establishing myself more fully into the wider community of the Rocky Mountain Conference. 

"Motivation" was the gift for 2023, a year in which I felt compelled to question and ponder the motivations that moved my decisions and sought strength and motivation to move forward in new ways.

And then "Righteousness" for 2024. 

Each word has blessed me in ways I could not have expected. Each word has invited or encouraged me to explore and engage with the Holy Spirit in my day-to-day life in beautiful and holy ways. 

I hope and pray that the word you received (or will receive) for this coming year may bless you in those same ways. I hope and pray that in this simple practice, you may find God present in your life on every twist and turn of your path. I encourage you to put it somewhere you'll see it. To look it up. In the dictionary. Online. Pay attention to where that word or theme pop up. 

The Holy One is always present, ever with us if we will but pay attention.

With love and blessings in this New Year,