Dearly Beloved,
Blessings to you on this Ash Wednesday -- the beginning of the Lenten season, when we seek to draw nearer to God. We remember Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness -- a time of prayer, fasting and temptation for Jesus. We remember the way that time shaped Jesus and his ministry, and many of us add some sort of fast or spiritual practice to our lives during Lent. Sometimes people give up chocolate or a social media platform. Sometimes they add a spiritual practice like prayer, meditation, reading scripture, or a prayer walk of some sort.
I am picking up my social media fast again -- staying off of Facebook and Instagram, places that I easily escape to without paying attention to time. I'm also going to add daily mediation to my practice -- just 5 minutes, so that it's something I can easily include during my work day or in the evening as I prepare to turn my light off. What fast or spiritual practice might enrich your life? What might bring you closer to God? How might you honor your body, the earth, your relationships with the Holy One, others, and yourself? I hope you'll share with me what your Lenten practices are and how they shape this season for you.
You're invited to begin this season at our community Ash Wednesday worship here at church at this evening at 7:00 pm. We'll join with other downtown congregations to hear scripture, sing together, and receive the sign of ashes -- a reminder that from dust we came and to dust we shall all return.
Don't forget the workshop this Saturday: Understanding Our LGBTQIA+ Siblings. It will be in our sanctuary from 1-3 pm. Plan to arrive a little bit early. And you're welcome to invite someone else from your life -- a family member, neighbor, or friend whom you think would benefit.
Finally, Saturday is also International Women's Day. I know that I mentioned on Sunday how grateful I am for the trailblazing women in ministry. I am very aware of the ways in which the ministry I share with this congregation is only possible because of the gifts, graces, and frankly sacrifices and labor of women in ministry before me. I celebrate the ministries of a number of other ordained women in our congregation: Revs. Cindy Bauleke, Ana Gobledale, Elizabeth Endicott, Katherine Martinez, Tracy Perry, Nora Smith, and Nan Sollo -- I think that's all of you! Thank you for the ways in which you have each modeled God's love! I'm also grateful for our all-female staff of Music Minister Nicoletta Glantz, Office Administrator Staci Hennings, and myself.
Who are the women in your life to celebrate? I invite you to reach out to them this weekend to offer gratitude to them.
Holding you each in love and peace,