Virtual & In Person Sunday Worship, 10:00 am
(links are updated on Thursdays)
We offer both in-person and virtual worship! Masks are optional in our sanctuary and church building. The balcony and west sanctuary are available for physically distanced seating, and masks will be required in those areas. We will continue to meet via Zoom and Facebook Live.
Sunday Worship Gathering by Zoom (Computer & Phone)
Time: 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
To Join Zoom Meeting using your Telephone:
Dial 312-626-6799
If that number is busy, you can try one of these other access numbers:
301-715-8592; 253-215-8782; 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 966 390 616
Join Zoom Meeting By Computer:
Meeting ID: 966 390 616; Password: 773088
Sunday Worship on Facebook Live
You DO NOT need a facebook account to watch our worship on Facebook Live
Click on this link:
Sunday Worship on YouTube
You can watch previous sermons or complete services on our YouTube channel.
Click on this link: