Mission and Outreach

Main Focus


Our Mission & Outreach Team has helped us identify Unaccompanied Youth (those who are homeless and without family) as an area of passion for our congregation and an area of need here in Loveland. We are fortunate to have established a partnership with the Thompson School District, to be more effective. We are continuing to learn about the scope of need and how we can get involved in direct service, material support, advocacy and activism. We believe that together with other concerned citizens in our community, we can make a difference in the lives of these most vulnerable youth. Our team is always looking for dedicated folks to help with the planning, education, and relationship building this work requires.

Won’t you join us?

Additional projects


Crop/Hunger Walk - A fundraiser for Church World Services. Churches around the country, state and city join together to raise money to feed people throughout the world. 25% of the money raised in Loveland goes to House of Neighborly Services.


House of Neighborly Service partner projects - Depends upon the project. Typically we collect a wheelbarrow full of food one month a year.


Salvation Army bell ringing - Church members ring the bell (& monitor donation kettle) at designated locations to raise money for the Salvation Army. Members sign up for rotating shifts on a designated day. Members can also volunteer to help count the collected money, usually on Mondays. 


Mobile Laundry Truck - Church members volunteer at the Mobile Laundry Truck to help local residents that don't have the luxury of available laundry facilities. Unhoused residents bring their laundry and we wash, dry, fold and repackage their laundry to be picked up in the late afternoon. There is no charge.


Sleep in Heavenly Peace - Church members help build beds for families that don't have adequate sleeping arrangements. It is so important to have a safe, comfortable place to sleep.


Slammin Famine - A group of people from the church joined people from many other religious organizations to package meals which were shipped to several countries experiencing acute starvation: Honduras, Philippines, Haiti, Guatemala, and South Sudan.


Community Kitchen - Once a month, a group from the church help serve hot meals to the many of the unhoused in Loveland. We also provide fellowship.