Check out the latest Special Events and Fundraisers
10:00 AM-3:00 PM - Thrifts and Gifts
10:00 AM-3:00 PM - Thrifts and Gifts
9:00 AM - Choir Rehearsal
10:00 AM - In-Person and Virtual Worship
11:00 AM - Fellowship
11:00 AM - Thrifts and Gifts Open House
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Inauguration Day
Office Closed
6:30 PM - Virtual Mission & Outreach Meeting
8:00 AM - Lectio Divina
10:00 AM - Men's Coffee Group
1:00 PM - Mah Johngg
7:00 PM - Choir Rehearsal
Pastor's Office Hours 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - Mah Jongg Club
9:00 AM - Thrifts and Gifts sorting and prep
10:00 AM-3:00 PM - Thrifts and Gifts
10:00 AM-3:00 PM - Thrifts and Gifts
9:00 AM - Choir Rehearsal
10:00 AM - In-Person and Virtual Worship
11:00 AM - Annual Congregational Meeting
11:00 AM - Fellowship
After Church Services, Fellowship Hall During Coffee Hour
The women and men of the First Congregational Church of Loveland UCC are a very special group! We worship together, as well as feed the hungry, raise money, help others, maintain our buildings and grounds, and work on parish committees – just to name a few!
Come learn more about one of the many missions and good things we do together for this community – Thrifts & Gifts! We’ll be set-up in the fellowship hall during our coffee hour. We’ll provide the treats and coffee and you can browse and shop the store as well as find out more about what we do from one of our passionate volunteers.
Every week at Thrifts and Gifts we provide a valuable resource to the community and our church. Our volunteers find this a time of fulfilling fellowship by working together to “repurpose with a purpose”. Our customers love what we have to offer and the prices. A Win-Win! Last year alone the profits from the store contributed over $12,000 to the annual operating budget. Come celebrate the success to date so far and the contributions of many.
We look forward to seeing you!
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held in the sanctuary and via Zoom immediately following our worship service on January 26. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. We will be reviewing our proposed budget for 2025 as well as our slate of leaders.
If you join us virtually, the Zoom information is the same as that for worship:
Meeting ID: 966 390 616; Passcode: 773088
2nd Saturday of each month, 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Help us serve an afternoon meal on the 2nd Saturday of each month! Please sign up at the trophy case. Have questions? Contact Noreen Flood at 970-690-4333 or
Did you miss the original sign up and want to help? We are accepting alternates for the work day, February 15 from 9-11 AM, in case someone is unable to be there. We also need donations to help fund the work of our 30 volunteers! Please write your check to FCC and mark the memo line or envelope with ‘Slammin’ Famine’. Anything helps!
We are open again! Stop by and see what treasures you can find!
All of our elected leaders are invited to participate in a Leaders’ Retreat on February 22. It will be a chance to worship together, get to know each other better, and participate in a workshop on Shame Resilience, based on the work of Dr. Brené Brown. Please communicate with Pastor Thandiwe with any questions and to RSVP if you will be able to attend. A description of the workshop portion of the retreat is below:
Cultivating a Liberated Spiritual Life, Led by Ryushin Hart, MSC LCSW
In this workshop, we will explore in sacred community the many shame-based thoughts and beliefs that impact and hinder our spiritual growth. Through discussion, practical information, and guided reflections, we will learn ways to navigate through these internal shame storms in order to cultivate a more authentic and compassionate spiritual life.
In this workshop you will:
· gain a deeper understanding of shame stories associated with our spiritual lives;
· learn a step-by-step process for effectively transforming shame when it arises;
· walk together in sacred community, sharing insights, and gaining wisdom.
Refreshment volunteers are needed after worship to prepare juice and coffee (instructions near the coffee machine) and provide a light snack such as cookies, carrots, or crackers. Please sign up for your preferred date on the trophy case. Please contact Dawn Briggs (720-219-5872) with any questions.
To reduce costs, we will be sending Annual Giving statements via email this year. If this method is not convenient for you, please reach out to our Financial Secretary, Dawn Briggs, at or 720-219-5872. Alternatively, you can contact the Assistant Financial Secretary, Eileen Walker, at or 720-774-1683. You may request to have a printed copy and it would be available at the church or mailed.
A box is in the lower level entry to collect used prescription bottles for a local veterinarian who will recycle them to use for pet medicines. The labels MUST be removed before placing in the box. If you have questions, please call Elizabeth Endicott, (507) 440-4934.
We are collecting toiletry samples for the Community Kitchen. If you have any of those toiletries that you collect from hotel visits that you never get around to using, please feel free to drop them off in the basket in Fellowship Hall.
Monthly Church Calendar
Stay up to date with all of the church happenings going on throughout the month! Make sure to check back from time to time, as we are always up to something!