Check out the latest Special Events and Fundraisers
10:00 AM-3:00 PM - Thrifts and Gifts
9:00 AM - Leadership Retreat @ First Christian Church, 2000 N. Lincoln Ave., Loveland
10:00 AM-3:00 PM - Thrifts and Gifts
9:00 AM - Choir Rehearsal
10:00 AM - In-Person and Virtual Worship
10:15 AM - Children's Worship
11:00 AM - Fellowship
11:30 AM - Sabbatical Informational Meeting
4:00 PM - Virtual Vision & Ministry Discernment Meeting
8:00 AM - Virtual Lectio Divina
1:00 PM - Mah Johngg
4:30 PM - Financial Secretary Meeting
7:00 PM - Choir Rehearsal
Office Closed
9:00 AM-1:00 PM - Pastor's Office Hours
Office Closed
9:00 AM - Thrifts and Gifts sorting and prep
10:00 AM-3:00 PM - Thrifts and Gifts
9:30 AM - Book Study-Cherished Belonging
10:00 AM-3:00 PM - Thrifts and Gifts
9:00 AM - Choir Rehearsal
10:00 AM - In-Person and Virtual Worship
11:00 AM - Fellowship
11:15 AM - S3 Youth Group
All of our elected leaders are invited to participate in a Leaders’ Retreat on February 22. It will be a chance to worship together, get to know each other better, and participate in a workshop on Shame Resilience, based on the work of Dr. Brené Brown. Please communicate with Pastor Thandiwe with any questions and to RSVP if you will be able to attend.
Join the Pastor after worship to learn more information about her upcoming sabbatical.
House of Neighborly Service assists and advocates for people challenged by the effects of poverty or situational crisis in the city of Loveland. It is our privilege at the Loveland UCC to sponsor a food drive for HNS every February. You may drop off non-perishable food items in the church narthex or make a monetary donation. If you choose to make a monetary donation, please specify "HNS" on the memo line. Thank you in advance for your continued generosity to this worthy organization.
Co-facilitators: Pastor Thandiwe and Mary McCabe
You are cordially invited to participate in a book study this coming March. The book is entitled Cherished Belonging, The Healing Power of Love by Greg Boyle.
“Gregory Boyle is an American Jesuit priest and the founder of Homeboy Industry in Los Angeles, the largest gang-intervention, rehabilitation, and reentry program in the world. The program runs on two unwavering principles: 1) we are all unshakably good (no exceptions), and 2) we belong to each other (no exceptions). Boyle invites us to nurture the connections that are all around us and live with radical kindness.” We will be discussing the first 2 chapters during our first time together.
Please let us know if you will be joining us. Hope to see you there!
Mary (, 262-751-6695)
Book links:
Cherished Belonging
Workbook and Journal for Cherished Belonging (optional)
Join us for a community worship service at 7:00 pm to usher in the season of Lent.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6
What does Jesus mean by this teaching from the Beatitudes? What is your experience with righteousness?
These questions will provide the starting points for exploration in this year’s Lenten Zoom study, Practical Righteousness: Where the Rubber Hits the Road. Using scripture passages from the Gospel of Matthew, the sessions will provide participants opportunities for Bible study, personal reflection, and shared conversation around the practical applications of biblical righteousness for: Developing a greater self-understanding; Empowering healthy relationships; Creating and maintaining communities; Practicing effective decision making; Being alert to the rewards and risks of living righteously.
Our study will be hosted by First Congregational Church UCC, Loveland, and Salem United Church of Christ, Denver. Our facilitators will be Rev. Charles Wright, Rev. Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, and Rev. Dustin Atkins.
2nd Saturday of each month, 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Help us serve an afternoon meal on the 2nd Saturday of each month! Please sign up at the trophy case. Have questions? Contact Noreen Flood at 970-690-4333 or
The Vision and Ministry Discernment Committee is starting a process to discern what long-range purpose and associated ministries best align to our values and congregational resources. Your input is the cornerstone of this process. The committee is conducting a vision survey to gather your input in February, and we want to hear from as many people as possible. The survey was created digitally, but it can be taken on paper as well. We'll have printed paper copies available to fill out following Sunday services. You can either fill it out at the church or take it home with you and return it the next week. We'll have a drop box for completed surveys available in the narthex or fellowship hall. The digital survey will be emailed to those who have an address on file and will be put in the zoom chat on Sunday mornings. If these options don't work for you, let Sara Gardner know and she'll work with you on an alternative.
Please share as openly as you feel comfortable with in your answers. There are no right or wrong answers. You do not have to share your name on the survey, so your answers can be anonymous. All formats of the survey are the same, so no need to do more than one per person or family.
Thank you from committee members - Allison Goerke, Grace Haskins, Karen Jazowski, Bob Molzahn, and Sara Gardner (Call or text 812-219-3367, email
Refreshment volunteers are needed after worship to prepare juice and coffee (instructions near the coffee machine) and provide a light snack such as cookies, carrots, or crackers. Please sign up for your preferred date on the trophy case. Please contact Dawn Briggs (720-219-5872) with any questions.
A box is in the lower level entry to collect used prescription bottles for a local veterinarian who will recycle them to use for pet medicines. The labels MUST be removed before placing in the box. If you have questions, please call Elizabeth Endicott, (507) 440-4934.
We are collecting toiletry samples for the Community Kitchen. If you have any of those toiletries that you collect from hotel visits that you never get around to using, please feel free to drop them off in the basket in Fellowship Hall.
Monthly Church Calendar
Stay up to date with all of the church happenings going on throughout the month! Make sure to check back from time to time, as we are always up to something!