Celebrate Our Growth & Richness

Dearly Beloved,

The autumn seems to be unfolding slowly -- the mornings and evenings cold while midday is still summer-warm. I revel in this fluctuation of temperatures -- the lingering of summer even as tree leaves turn to gold. Autumn is a season of abundance and harvest, of transition back to school-time routines and the responsibilities that come with that.

For us at church, autumn brings our discernment about the new year.

The Nominating Committee meets to see what gifts of time and talent lie latent in our congregation and what positions need leaders. Do you have gifts and passions that you'd like to share? Perhaps there is a committee or a team that you're curious about or would like to be a part of. Maybe you're interested in helping with the nursery or teaching an adult education study or becoming a regular Community Kitchen volunteer. 

The budget committee takes a look at our finances -- where we're at and where we'd like to go. How have we spent your financial gifts this last year and what needs do we have for the coming year? The two major expenses for our congregation are our amazing staff and our building. Our staff and space make most of the other things we do possible -- from choir to office mailings to Sunday sermons. Our building (completed in 1915) is one of our congregation's greatest assets, and it has been exciting to watch the ways in which it has become a hub for our community life and our outreach, especially through Thrifts and Gifts! 

Over the next few weeks, you will receive stewardship mailings inviting you to consider your own resources and your practice of giving. All of your gifts to our congregation matter -- the gifts of your time, your talent and passion, and your money.

Three of the really exciting ways that our communal life has grown over the last few years are around youth and then music. Our mission & outreach team connects us to Thompson School District (TSD) to support staff in providing for unmet needs of homeless and unaccompanied youth. Your financial gifts to our congregation have provided bedding, coats, shoes, meals, phone cards, rides, and clothing for the most vulnerable youth in Loveland through our partnership with TSD. We are filling gaps for these young people and it matters!

Our congregation has also done a tremendous amount of growth in how we support our youth. Our youth group has grown from four young people to almost ten, and Daniel and Sara Gardner continue to provide spaces for our youth to connect with one another (social), grow in their faith (spirit), and contribute to our wider community through service. This last year, we sent five youth and three adults (including me) on a mission trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Our congregation helps cover that cost to ensure that it is affordable for every youth in our congregation. These mission trips are opportunities for our youth to build relationships with one another, adults from church, and God as well as to learn so much about justice and service. This coming year, we are partnering with Namaqua Unitarian Universalist Church to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL) a lifespan sexuality education focused on dignity, respect, knowledge and safety. 

And finally, music. You've probably noticed how consistently large our choir is and how amazing they sound. The choir is open to everyone who wishes to participate (even one-time visitors can join in!). Music Minister Nicoletta Glantz has also been working with numerous other musicians in our congregation to provide special music and to round out the sound of even more traditional hymns with guitar, flute, and drums. 

I hope you'll join me in celebrating these areas of growth and richness and prayerfully consider how you might give to support these and other shared ministries. 

AND, I hope you'll be here on Sunday to reflect on the Holy Spirit and celebrate UCC Access Sunday (this is an important part of our continued Open and Affirming Journey. Guest preacher Mary Colecchi will share about her own journey with disability and chronic illness as well as the gift of the Holy Spirit in and through her life. 

Holding each of you in love and gratitude and peace today,

p.s. Please keep all those in the path of Hurricane Milton in your prayers. A number of us in our congregation have loved ones still reeling from Helene and also preparing for Milton to land. We pray for people's safety and well-being.