A Love Letter

Dearly Beloved,

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and so today, I sit down to write you a love letter. This past Sunday was filled with moments of awe, of humble gratitude, of joy, and of love. I am grateful to do ministry with you. I am grateful and humbled to be your pastor. 

One of the things about our congregation that I first fell in love with is I saw a group of people who wanted to love God, each other and their neighbors to the best of their ability. I saw a group of people who wanted to grow in love and learn how to love one another, God and the world even better. And I have watched you, I have watched us, do this very thing together. 

You know I arrived a little green around the gills. Sure I had experience as the child of ministers and missionaries. Sure, I'd worked as a chaplain and served two congregations full time as an intern or associate. But I'd never been a solo or lead pastor. Yet, I believed in myself and you all believed in me.

We have learned together -- that we don't like to talk partisan politics, but that we can talk about Jesus' highly political (not partisan!) gospel teachings. We knew how to laugh and catch our breaths separately, but we've learned to do that together -- after sharing the heavy burdens of our hearts during joys & concerns, after a particularly moving piece of music or during a heated Board meeting. How to navigate conflict and disagreements. How to talk about hard things. And we're still learning. 

And the truth very much is that we couldn't do this without one another. I could not be the pastor, preacher, parent or person that I am without all of you, without the community that we are together. And I am honored and humbled to get to bring my gifts to help shape our community -- as each of you do. 

And so, on this day after Valentine's Day: I love you. Especially you reading this who thinks I can't possibly mean you. I am grateful for you and your gifts. For the ways that you remember and question and suggest and show up. I am humbled by your words of affirmation of me and my leadership even as I am humbled by the faithfulness that I witness in you -- the curiosity, grace, humility, and generosity that I learn FROM you. And I need you. I need a place where I can show up as the flawed and fallible person that I am with my gifts to be reminded that:
whoever I am and wherever I am on life's journey, I am welcome. I can belong. 

I love you! Happy Valentine's Day a day late! Thandiwe

p.s. Ash Wednesday is a week from today. We'll be worshiping over at Trinity United Methodist Church. Do join us for that service!